
5 Factors That Affect Water Damage Repair Costs and How to Mitigate Them

By Vincent Hughes posted 23 Mar, 2020 22:35


When people think of what disasters could damage their homes, they’re inclined to focus on catastrophic events, such as an earthquake or tornado. The truth is that your home is more likely to be damaged by flooding than any other weather event. Water is more powerful than you might think. It can cause significant damage to structures because of the sheer force with which it moves.

In the aftermath of a flood, the residual water will continue to cause damage to your home. Urgent repairs will be needed, but they often come with a hefty price tag, especially if you’re uninsured or your insurer refuses to pay out a claim. So, what will affect the cost of repairing water damage? Let’s take a look at the main points.

The area of damage

It stands to good reason that the larger the affected area, the higher the cost of the repairs. However, this shouldn’t be the maxim by which you estimate costs. A large area may cost less to repair than a small space. It all depends on what kind of damage was done and how extensive it is. 

However, as a rule, large areas cost more to repair than small areas. The job will require more materials, human resources, and time. These three factors will determine the cost of the repair project.

The time delay

The longer the water lies in the damaged areas of your home, the more havoc it wreaks. Water that stands for a prolonged time goes beyond causing initial damage. It can lead to the development of fungus, mold, and rot. 

These can lead to illness among the house’s occupants. It may form in the trusses of the roof when tiles or shingles are damaged, and immediate repairs are recommended in such cases, say many of the roofing companies Austin has in the area.

The speed with which you can get the water pumped out of the affected area determines the extent to which the water can damage your home. In the case of the whole area being flooded, this becomes a challenge, as people are often not permitted to return to their homes until the floodwaters have receded.

The damaged materials

First, the state of the damage will require an assessment to determine if materials need replacement or repair. Minor damage can be fixed without having to replace everything.

Second, the cost will depend on what materials you require. Consider the difference in cost between hardwood floors and carpets.

Third, time on task will vary according to the materials being used. Replacing drywall takes less time than rebuilding brick and mortar walls. The number of hours your contractor needs to work to get the job done drives up the cost.

The type of water

When sewerage pipes have been compromised, and wastewater is present, the cleanup job requires more work than it would in the case of rainwater. Even gray water, which contains soap from bathing or washing, requires more work. 

The area needs decontamination and a plumbing check is done before any repairs are undertaken. The extra time and the cost of additional materials will add to the final total.

Your location

The costs of repairs vary from one area to another. The going rate in Manhattan will differ from than in a small town in the Midwest. For this reason, insurance premiums will vary as well.

Use a local contractor to do your repairs, because the prices they charge will be comparable to the cost of living in your area. Look for established contractors with solid reputations for professional repairs. When you’re getting estimates, remember that the cheapest quotation might not be the best option as it relates to the quality of the workmanship.

