Volunteer with ASIS International

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer to Engage and Empower!

Volunteering with ASIS International allows you to engage and connect with fellow professionals while empowering yourself and the community. Explore current volunteer opportunities and make a commitment to yourself and the profession.

ASIS Volunteers don't have more time, they have more heart. If you are passionate about what you do, we invite you to help ignite that passion in others. Complete your Volunteer Profile to share more about your volunteer experience, preferences, and what you are interested in. Then review the Volunteer Opportunities List to learn all that is possible--get an idea of where you want to start, how you can build upon your experiences, and what you'd like to accomplish as a volunteer. Build your own volunteer roadmap and take your next step in making meaningful contributions to your local, regional, or global community of security professionals. 

Going forward, you will receive email alerts when we think you'll be a good fit for a new volunteer opportunity but feel free to periodically review current open opportunities. Thanks again for volunteering to volunteer. We look forward to working with you!

Link to Volunteer Opportunities Infographic

ASIS' Annual Call for Volunteers 

Log in and review Current Opportunities
or explore by category below. To view all opportunities, including ones not currently open, access the PDF in the Member Resources library. Please note that the majority of volunteer opportunities open during ASIS' Annual Call for Volunteers, 15 August - 15 October. 

Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Jessica Lombardo, ASIS VP of Member Engagement. 

"Volunteering my time is a way to give back to an industry that has given me so much these past 12 years and to ensure that we continue to innovate and excel in the ever-evolving landscape of security."
Rya Manners, VP of Marketing, Prosegur

Volunteer Stories